Warriors and Warlords (WW)–Archery Activities On Saturday–Includes Site Update

26 May

Archery Marshal in Charge: Madona Ginevra Maddalena di Tomaso Volpe  inariargenteus at gmail.com
People new to archery are welcome! There will be loaner equipment available.

Report on the Condition of the Archery Range As Of 7-9-24
WW archers!! Here is your report on the state of the range:
It was a mess this morning with an inch and a half of mud. If it dries overnight, the plan is to shoot down the long clay aisle in the arena, with everything as currently scheduled.
If tomorrow, it’s still mucky and messy and we cannot shift the hay bales safely, archery will be turned around to shoot into the oil pit (as some may remember from several years ago). This will limit shooting distances, but will allow us to at least shoot most of what is scheduled. Thank you, and see you on the range (whichever way it looks)! –Ginevra

Muster for Archer’s Parade/Dressed to Kill—Saturday, 9-10am

Archer’s Parade/Dressed to Kill—Saturday, 10-11am
Time to show off that we are as snazzily dressed as the other martial arts! Wear your best garb, then muster by the Baronial Tents at 9am for the Parade, and come shoot for a prize sponsored by Baron Bazyli Bolesław z Krakowa.

Youth Animal Hunt—Saturday, 11am-Noon
Time for the Youth of Northshield to bring home game in the form of a new friend – when you shoot a stuffy, you get to take it home with you. There will likely be an opportunity for chronological adults to shoot, as well. Animal surgery supplies will be provided in case of catastrophic injuries (to the stuffies only, please!)

Lunch—Saturday, Noon-1pm

Khasaa—Saturday, 1-2pm
Mongolian distance shoot at 75 yards, using khasaa-inspired targets approximately 12”x60”. Scores are determined by the portion of the target struck. Skipping the arrow into the target counts, so blunts may be used for this shoot (some will be provided for those wishing to try). Please limit blunt size to no more than 1.25” if bringing your own.

Rooty Tooty New to Shooty Tournament—Saturday, 2-3pm
Intended for first-time archers, or those who have never competed in a tournament before. Experienced archers will be on hand for coaching/advice

Open Range/Coaching—Saturday, 3-4pm