Toys for Tots 2020–Virtual Edition–Final Update

19 Nov

Greetings Unto The Most Excellent and Generous Flakes of Nordskogen from
THL Faolan!

The grand total is $1,425.00 for monetary donations and 34 direct toy donations!

Since we have gone over $800 and then $1300, both stretch goals have been met.

Master Viði Hovdestad and Dame Marwen de la Rivere broke the $800 goal and they have decided that I will be dying my facial hair blue!  THL Ingeborg i Trondheimi broke the $1300.00 mark and she will choose my court garb for the next in-person Court.

Baroness Caoilfhionn held a random number drawing at the Wednesday business meeting for the mug she donated. The person chosen to receive the mug was Duchess Anne Geoffreys of Warwick.

Final Totals Per Activity
We had a total of 17 people making donations. There was a total of 34 toys donated in addition to the totals listed below.

Here is a breakdown of the donations based off of activities:

Archery                              $   355
Armored                             $   315
Equestrian                          $   140
Rapier                                 $   190
Thrown Weapons             $   280
Youth                                   $   145

So the Archers of Nordskogen hit the bullseye but the Real Winners are the Children that will benefit from these donations.

YIS, THL Faolan Bacach MacMillan aka Faelan, Your Friendly Neighborhood Helpy HoTtie!