Free Tournament Of Chivalry, Saturday, November 20th, 2021

3 May

Site will be open 6-8:30pm on Friday, Nov. 19, for setup.
Sat. hours: 8:30am–8:30pm (
must be out by 10pm)     Gate hours: 9am-12:30pm
Hosted by the Canton of Blachemere
This is a single level site with ADA compliance.
Event steward:  Duchess Mary of Carrigart; mka Kate Luthner,
MIC: Sir Tom Tinntinnabulum,
Pre-registration is required at the link below and is open until Fri., Nov. 19, 2021.
Fee: Free
Facebook event page is at this link.

Blachemere is hosting this event in the hopeful optimism that we can continue to gather together.  Blachemere wants to throw a grand event without the barrier of site fee and infuse some fun and whimsy in this canton’s finale event.

A Few Other Items of Note:
1. The site token is a free t-shirt (pre-reg form has space for size you want) for first 250 who pre-register by Oct. 20. Blachemere is gifting the first 250 a t-shirt as a token not just of the event but as a thank you for their support of Blachemere over the years and as a lasting reminder of how we are all in this together. Pre-registration after 250 or October 20 will still be accepted until Friday, Nov. 19, but you won’t get a t-shirt.
Link to Form for Pre-registering:

2. Current indoor masking rules will apply. Everyone over the age of 4 must be masked at all times. Masks may be removed briefly for eating and drinking as long as everyone is socially distanced.  These rules also apply while outdoors unless you are a fully armored, fully vaccinated combatant who is actively engaged in combat.

3. A lunch of “Italian round flatbread with cheese and meat” (also known as pizza) will (hopefully) arrive in time for the 12:30 pm lunch break. Counts will be based on who is there by 10:30. This lunch will be provided by Blachemere and by the Chivalry.

4. If you were wondering “will there ONLY be fighting at ToC?” the answer is no! We have a Scribal gathering and an informal artisan row anchored by stamping time with Tatiana. There will also be plenty of fun social time with those not participating in the heavy fighting. THL Furia Maxima will be hosting a table featuring Roman items, such as: different types of garb, a book petting zoo, Roman geeks (don’t pet the Roman geeks without their consent), and maybe armor too!  Stop by 10:00ish – 2:00ish, we’ll be hard to miss. *hand sanitizer will be provided* Unfortunately, the vigil of Baroness Nell the Innocent will be postponed until a later event.

5. Children are welcome but due to current circumstances there are no special activities for them.

6. Armored Combat and Event Schedule
9am                 Site Opens & Inspections
10am               Session 1: Individual training & authorizations
11:30am          Session 2: Classes     See below for a list of the 3 classes to be offered.
12:30pm          Session 3: Lunch
1:30pm            Session 4: Individual training
2:30pm            Session 5: The Big Bear Pit tourney
4pm                 Session 6: Open field
5pm                 Court at Their Majesties’ discretion
8:30pm            Site Closes
10pm               Time we absolutely must leave site with all clean-up, etc., finished

7. List of Armored Combat Classes
I. Intro to Polearm – by THL Skio
Functional training on polearm. If you don’t have a polearm yet, there will be some loaners available, but you’ll need to bring your own gauntlets.
II. Intro to Greatsword – by Duke Vlad
Functional training on greatsword. If you don’t have a greatsword yet, there will be some loaners available, but you’ll need to bring your own gauntlets. 2-handed swords of any length (4ft – 6ft) are fine.
III. Range, Pressure and the Jab – by Sir Hjorleif
Functional training on how to manage the range to your opponent, apply pressure in the fight, and use of the jab will be rolled together to teach the flow of the fight.

8. ToC Extended Training
We will be trying something a little different at this ToC. Unbelts can sign-up for a extended training (nominally 30min, but it’s not a hard limit) with a knight who has volunteered for this project.

If you are interested, click on the link below to see which knights are available, and how many unbelts they are willing to work with. Then comment on this post with your SCA name, the knight’s name, and whether you want to session to be private (one-on-one) or public (you will set the topic, but others can observe or participate). I will add your name to the list, first come, first serve.

This list will also be available at ToC on the list table, where further sign-up by knights and unbelts can happen.

This extended training occurs during Sessions 1 (10am), 2 (11:30am), or 4 (1:30pm), and is concurrent with the chivalry who are working with unbelts from the traditional waiting line for 10min sessions or crown rounds.

Remember this is a pilot program, and we can adjust the format as we go forward.

9. ToC Bear Pit Tourney
The rules for the bear pit will mostly be the same as in recent years. We will start with chiv holding the field, and if the unbelt wins the fight, the unbelt gets to take that spot on the floor and hold it until they lose. Chiv can re-enter the list as often as they like (but only against an unbelt.)

In an effort to take the pressure off those who may have no access to a local practice and feel they are too rusty to compete, this year the bear pit will be run without any scoring. You do not need to report to the list table as you exit the list.

Instead, you can measure your day in stickers Each unbelt will get two stickers when they sign in at the list table. Unbelts can earn another sticker each time they work with a chiv during sessions 1 & 4 or take a class during session 2. Maximum total is 10 stickers.

Then in the afternoon bear pit, unbelts will turn in a sticker each time they enter the list field. You can continue fighting in the bearpit until you run out of stickers. Stickers can be stuck to your shield, your haft, your surcoat, etc. Yes, if you are done for the day, you can transfer your remaining stickers to one or more of your friends.