Calls for Volunteers at Warriors and Warlords (WW)

27 May

Warriors and Warlords Volunteering!

Online sign-ups are no longer available. Please come to Info. Point to sign-up when you arrive on site. Areas needing help: water bearing, gate, info point, t shirt sales, site clean up and take down. 

Volunteer Appreciation from the Baronesses of Nordskogen

Volunteer appreciation is so important!

Want a cool cover for your mug, to keep out the bugs at Warriors and Warlords 2024?

Sign up for a quick shift anywhere onsite, and collect your hard-earned swag at Info Point.

To everyone working hard behind the scenes, to make this magic happen, we salute you.


Volunteer Cup Cover

Their Excellencies Nordskogen Need Retainers!

I am looking for retainers for WW for Their Excellencies Nordskogen. This is a good opportunity to come watch and learn about a new to you activity or just get to spend some time with Their Excellencies. Sign up is 1 hour blocks by activity. Duties include keeping Their Excellencies hydrated, helping carry items, possibly some light set-up of activities, helping hand out largess, and watching the time.

Here is the link for signing up. I will be on site at WW if you have any questions or need any help during your shift. Or email me at Kersteken at Thanks, Kersteken, Baronial Chamberlain.