Welcome to the Barony! Whether you’re new to the SCA, or relocating to the area, here is some information to get you started. If you have any questions about getting involved, please contact the Chatelaine.
We have weekly meetings on Wednesdays and a variety of practices and craft nights throughout the week. Check our weekly newsletter, the NIB, for what’s happening this week.
Joining the Baronial Discussion Online—There are two ways to do this. You can join the Baronial Google Group on email, The Barony of Nordskogen. Here is a link to instructions on how to join a Google Group. You can also join the Barony of Nordskogen – Discussion Group on Facebook. Here is a link to instructions on how to join a Facebook discussion group.
Resources for Newcomers
- SCA Newcomer’s Portal – an interactive website that introduces what the SCA is all about.
- Newcomer’s Guide to the SCA – a comprehensive PDF detailing many aspects of the SCA.
- Society for Creative Anachronism – the corporate website.
- Kingdom of Northshield – our regional group, consisting of Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Dakotas, the upper peninsula of Michigan, Manitoba, and western Ontario.
Getting Involved
- Guide to SCA Terms
- Advice to Newcomers
- Getting Ready for Your First Event – a brief PDF on what to expect at your first SCA event.
- Introduction to Garb – quick and easy medieval clothes for your first event.
- Choosing a Name – many members choose a historical name to be called within the SCA.
- Choosing a Device – information on creating a heraldic device. If you have questions, contact the baronial Herald.