The Nib (Weekly Announcements)

For The Week of February 22, 2025 (A.S. 57)

THIS-WEEK-IN-THE-SCA-IN-THE-TWIN-CITIES-02-22-25 (print version)


For more information on our weekly Wednesday meetings, go to this link.



Link to official Facebook page:

Hosted by: Barony of Nordskogen
Lord of Life Church, 14501 Nowthen Blvd NW, Ramsey MN 55303, 9am-8:30pm
Event Stewards: Trevor Gersch/Aelfwine, trevor at;
                                               Alex Olfson/Aleksander Valahul, alexolfson at

Site Fees:
Adult Member: $15/person; Adult Non-Member: $25/person;
Children 10 & under: Free (Might change to 17 and under. Please check back)

THIS SITE IS BONE-DRY! No alcoholic beverages allowed, even for cooking! Thank you.

No feast/food planned at this time.
If you would like to offer your services, please contact one of the event stewards.

Planned Activities: Armored Combat, Arts & Sciences Display, Classes, Rapier Combat

More information to come. Thank you for your patience!


Nordskogen Equestrian Lessons Every Other Saturday–SUSPENDED


Outdoor Thrown Weapons Practice—SUSPENDED UNTIL SPRING

If you have any questions about thrown weapons in Nordskogen, message our Thrown Weapons Captain, Lord Lachlann del Glen.

Indoor Archery Practice, Sunday, February 22: 10am-Noon: Bwana Archery, Little Canada, MN

Hello Archers! Practice is on for Sunday! As our winter normal, we will be at Bwana from 10a-12p. There are no requests for loaner gear currently, so please contact Lady Dagrún by Saturday evening if you’d like the gear to be at practice If you have any questions about archery in Nordskogen, please contact our Archery Marshal, Lady Dagrún Björnsdöttir, at

Directions to Bwana Archery, 3015 Country Drive, Little Canada, MN, 55117
(I-35E and 694),  651-482-9866:
*Take your best route to I-35E and Little Canada Road (Exit 112).
*From I-35E Northbound:    At the top of the exit ramp, turn left onto Little Canada Road.
Then turn right on the frontage road (Country Drive) on the west side of I-35E.
*From I-35E Southbound:    At the top of the exit ramp, turn right onto Little Canada Road.
Then turn right on the frontage road (Country Drive) on the west side of I-35E.
*The range is about 1 mile up Country Drive.  Look for the large yellow archery sign on your left.
Here’s a link to a map:

Rumplestiltskein: 2nd & 4th Sundays: 11 am-2 pm: At the HarMar Barnes & Noble

Meetings occur on the  2nd & 4th Sundays! The next meeting will be this Sunday, February 23, 2025. The gathering is at the Barnes & Noble Starbucks Coffee Shop at 2100 N. Snelling Ave, Roseville, MN, just south of Hwy 36 in the HarMar Mall. Any portable fiber activity is welcome, such as knitting, spinning, nalbinding, crochet, embroidery, tatting, etc. Masking is now optional. Parking is free and plentiful, and the snacks and drinks available at the Starbucks Cafe are nice. Come socialize and show off what you have been working on, or just hang out.

Monday Night Armoring & Sewing At Duke Vlad’s and Duchess Petronella’s

Their Graces, Vlad and Petranella, are hosting armoring and sewing for vaccinated folks on Mondays starting at 7 p.m. in Roseville. Please be sure to contact them for further details and to double check the schedule. Please note that there are two large fuzzy dogs in residence. Their Graces can be reached at: 651-644-4685 or at: vlad.petranella at or message Her Grace on Facebook at Salli Weston.

Indoor Armored Combat Practice: Tuesdays, Brackett Park, 6-9pm

Armored combat practice is held on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 9pm at Brackett Park, 2728 39th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN, 55406. If you have any questions, you can contact the Nordskogen Knight’s Marshal, Lord Fergus O’Dae, on Facebook at: Theodore Ivan.

Youth Boffer Practice: Indoors, Wednesdays at Olivet Congregational Church, 6:30-7:30pm–Next Practice: Wednesday, February 26, 2025.

Our next youth boffer practice will be held Wednesday, February 26, 2025, from 6:30-7:30 pm at Olivet Congregational Church, 1850 Iglehart Ave, St. Paul MN, 55104. If you have any questions about youth boffer in Nordskogen, please contact our Youth Boffer Captain, Lord Gospatric de Reynes, on Facebook at Patrick Raines.

Rapier Practice: Indoors, Wednesdays, Olivet Congregational Church, 7-9pm

Rapier practice is now indoors at Olivet Congregational Church, 1850 Iglehart Ave, St. Paul MN, 55104. Practices are from 7-9pm. Doors open at 6:45pm so we can get started at 7. We must be out of the space by 9:00 p.m. sharp. If you have any questions, you can contact the Nordskogen Rapier Marshal, Lord Yagüe Antolínez, at:

Dance Practice Taught by Master Dafydd Arth–SUSPENDED

Bardic Get-TogetherSUSPENDED

Shop Night on Thursdays At Master Danr’s, 7-9 p.m.

Armor Shop, Thursdays, 6pm, at THL O’no Kagemori’s House

Kagemori can help you get a kit into the mid-14th century of Western Europe, a bit later for Eastern Europe, and/or up to the end of period in Japan. If you need the address, PM Kagemori on Facebook at Josiah Stone. A couple of things: Closed toe shoes are a good idea if you’re going to be working with metal. Work gloves and safety glasses are also a good idea. 1 dog and 2 cats in residence, allergy sufferers beware. He would prefer you be vaccinated, but he will not be asking about it. The nearest ER is 5 miles away.

Sewing with Mistress Cassandra of the Western Green

Mistress Cassandra of the Western Green hosts weekly sewing nights on Thursday nights at her home. The gatherings begin at 7:00 p.m. and last until your hostess tells you it’s time to go home! Contact her at cassandy at or at 612-361-6309 for directions and to let her know that you are coming ahead of time.


An Announcement from Their Excellencies

Greetings unto our great populace! Our interim Seneschal has been chosen. Please welcome back to the role, the Honorable Noble Liadan inghean Cheallaigh (Tif Puderbaugh). Liaden is pleased to support the Barony during this specially voted, 6 month session, as we search for the next good gentle to fill this role in its more traditional, 2 year capacity. You can normally find Liaden in Equestrian, Armor, or with a nalbinding needle in hand. Thank you for volunteering!

New Minister of Arts and Sciences Sought

After two years of service, Lady Hedwyg would like to step down. If you’re interested, please drop an email to Lady Hedwyg, Their Excellencies and to our Interim Seneschal. It’s time for someone else to step up and have the fun!

Looking for a New Webminister

Our Webminister, Baroness Ceolwen ingen Adaim, is looking for a successor. If you’re interested in this job, please drop an email to Baroness Ceolwen, Their Excellencies and to our Interim Seneschal.

Online Baronial Arts & Sciences Exhibition—On Facebook, Feb. 2-28, 2025 Sponsored by Their Excellencies of Nordskogen

Their Excellencies of Nordskogen are sponsoring an online exhibition to select the next Baronial A&S Champion.

All members of the Kingdom of Northshield are welcome to participate, you don’t have to be in Nordskogen. Any arts and science item(s) are welcome, but items should have been completed in the last 18 months. Please post images of your work here on Facebook, along with your SCA and non-SCA name. Documentation is not necessary, but if you want to say a bit about your piece, that would be welcome.

Items must be posted by midnight on Feb. 28, 2025 to be considered. Please note: You are under no obligation to accept the position if you post. Their Excellencies will make the final determination and will check with the selected candidates before announcing.

Seeking Volunteers for Northshield Spring Coronation

Greetings from your Coronation Event Stewards, Aelfwine (Trevor Gersch) and Aleksander (Alexander Olfson)!

We are looking for people to volunteer for roles at Coronation. Please reach out to either of us to let us know if you are interested. We can be contacted either on Facebook or by email using the addresses on the Event Page:


Class Instructor – as befitting their Majesties wish to slay a dragon, this being the year of the snake in the Chinese calendar, and their highnesses desire to spread SCA skills and knowledge to new members; introductory classes and classes on mythical beasts are encouraged. Hedwyg is the class coordinator.

Decorations Lead – some people are good at deciding where to set up decorations, others at reaching high up to hang the decorations.

Ask A&S Volunteers: Back by popular demand! We are particularly interested in people with metalworking or A&S backgrounds beyond textiles and clothing volunteer to help show how much falls under A&S!

Potluck Coordinator: Although lunch is not planned, we have so many great cooks in Northshield it would be a shame for them to not have an opportunity to show off their cooking skills.

Gate Volunteers: Do you like talking to people? Do you like money?* If yes, volunteer for Gate! (*Alas, you only get to touch the money, not keep it.)

Vigil Leads: Please reach out to us as soon as possible so we can coordinate space needs.

Royalty/Titled Coordinators: If you are handling affairs for a member of the royalty, baronies, or other titled persons, please reach out to us so we can make sure we have your contact information and are able to address your requests as soon as possible.

Teardown/Setup Volunteers: Since everyone loves SCA events, why spend even more time at the event?

-Is there something else you would like to see or do at Coronation? Please let us know!

Announcement of The Reinstated Baronial Calendar on the Nordskogen Webpage

At Their Excellencies’ request, Baroness Coelwen and I have reinstated and updated the Baronial calendar originally created by Baron Oswald Frank. You can find a link to it in the menu at the top of the Baronial webpage or click on this link to go directly to the calendar.

Notice From the Knight Marshall To All Armored Combatants

All Armored Combatants and Those Who Enjoy Armored Combat,

Please remember to sign-up through the MPRB website.

Doing this, along with our weekly sign-in at the park, ensures we continue to get use of the rec building at no cost.

Please go to the link below and register for the #5726 Armored Combat class. (if you have a login already, this is quick, if not you can create a login relatively quickly)

YIS, Fergus…/activity/searc

Donations to the Barony

Thank you, donors! If you would like to donate and help us to stay financially strong, send a check by mail to W. Lloyd Hudson, 18281 84th Ave N., Maple Grove, MN, 55311. Checks should be made out to: SCA, Inc.—Barony of Nordskogen.

Nordskogen Makes The TV News

Maury Glover has done a story segment on us. Here is the link:

Nordskogen Baronial Trim Is Available at Calontir Trim!

If you would like to get some of the lovely trim depicted above, here is the link to the website.

Weekly Silent Herald / ASL Practice Every Thursday via Zoom

Want to brush up on your signing skills? All sign levels are welcome. The Silent Herald / ASL Practice Session is a repeating weekly Zoom meeting. We practice every Thursday evening starting at 9pm Eastern (8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific). Contact Maestra Suzanne at Suzanne Booth via Facebook Messenger if you need the link to the practice session.
Maestra Suzanne de la Ferté, Society Silent Herald Deputy

The Signorotti Membership Assistance Fund
From the website

In response to suggestions from our community, the Society has set up a donation fund to support those participants who may find it difficult to continue their memberships.

Members of our community can request assistance from our Corporate Office to purchase or renew memberships using this fund, named in honor of Renee Signorotti who recently retired after heading up the SCA’s Membership Office for over 40 years.

To submit a request for membership assistance, follow the instructions here. SCA Membership will be treated confidentially.

To make a donationDonations are tax-deductible. Online payments are accepted, or you can mail your donation to the address below. All contributions to the Signorotti Fund will be dedicated for Membership Assistance.

Donate online to the Signorotti Membership Assistance Fund.
PayPal and credit/debit cards accepted.

If sending a check, please make it payable to SCA, Inc., and mail to: SCA Inc., Attn: The Signorotti Fund, P.O. Box 611928,  San Jose, CA 95161. For more information, please email 


*–Facebook Group. All times are Central Time unless otherwise noted.
n updated version of this list can be found at the link above.

*Nordskogen Social Practice Online, 7-8:30 pm (may run longer)
Next online social practice: Wed., Mar. 19th, 2025 (business meeting at 7:30pm).
Join us for an online gathering via Zoom. The meeting invitation will be posted in a pinned post in the Facebook discussion group at the link above and also will be posted to our Baronial email discussion group. Please remember that you are muted when you join in. Video is encouraged but not required. Drop in and out as you wish.

Nordskogen on Discord

First, follow this link and join the Unofficial Northshield Discord Server. You only have to do this once.

After that, you can follow this link and see messages on the Nordskogen Channel.

Nordskogen Special Interest Facebook Groups

Barony of Nordskogen Discussion Group

Canton of Nordleigh

Nordskogen Archery

Nordskogen Armoured Combat

Nordskogen Dancers

Nordskogen Group Camping

Nordskogen Rapier Group

Nordskogen Thrown Weapons 


Northshield Activities, Classes and Events

Northshield on Discord

First, follow this link and join the Unofficial Northshield Discord Server. You only have to do this once.

After that, you can follow this link and see messages on the Northshield Unofficial Discord Server.

Virtual A&S Display—Entries from the June 1, 2024 Northshield Arts and Sciences Competition

Northshield Royal Activities, Courts, and Events  Send in award recommendations!

*Their Royal Majesties of Northshield’s Website

*Their Royal Highnesses’ Website

Past Ethereal and Live Northshield Courts Available Online.  Recordings of live courts are double starred.

Royal Court, April 4, 2020

Ethereal Coronation, April 18, 2020

Royal Court, May 9, 2020

Schützenfest and Mermaids Retreat, May 29, 2020

Border Skirmish, Castle Fever, Castel Rouge 50th, June 13, 2020

Mimisbrunnr, June 27, 2020

Warriors and Warlords, July 11, 2020

All Garbed Up and Nowhere To Go, Aug. 22, 2020

Venturing Forth, September 26, 2020

It’s the GREAT Nordfest, Charlie Brúnn, Oct. 24, 2020

SUN Court, Saturday, November 14, 2020

Boar’s Head Court–This Little Piggie Stayed Home, Sat., Dec. 5, 2020

Elevation of Eyja Bassadóttir to the Order of the Laurel, Sunday, December 20, 2020

Queen’s Prize, Saturday, February 13, 2021

Royal Birthday Court, Saturday, April 10

Feast of the Venerable Bede, May 22

**Elevation of Dane of Needham to the Order of Chivalry, June 12, 2021

**Courts at Northshield Spring Crown Tourney and Crown Tourney Itself, June 19, 2021

Royal Court at Wishes and Waiting, Sunday, July 11, 2 p.m.

The Last Baronial Court of Baroness Clara and Baron David and The Investiture of Gabriel De Lion and Nadrah al-Zahara as Shaikh and Shaikha Castel Rouge, Saturday, September 4, 2021

**The Elevation of Baroness Caoilfhionn inghen Cheallaigh uí Mhórdha to the Order of the Laurel, Sat., 9-11-21

**The Final Court of Elis and Ciaran and Fall Coronation of Hans and Genevieve, Saturday, September 11, 2021Fall Crown Tournament and Associated Courts, Saturday, October 9, 2021

**Fall Crown Tournament: Morning Court and Tournament, Saturday, October 9, 2021

**Fall Crown Tournament: Evening Court, Saturday, October 9, 2021

Royal Court at the Feast of Isabelle, Saturday, February 26, 2022

**Spring Crown Tournament, Saturday, May 14, 2022

**Spring Crown Tournament: Afternoon Court, Saturday, May 14, 2022

**Crown Tournament: Saturday, September 10, 2022

**Fall Coronation: Saturday, September 10, 2022

**Fall Crown: Saturday, October 8, 2022

Northshield Special Interest Facebook Groups

Anglo-Saxons of Northshield and Friends

The Army of Northshield

Artillery Arts Martial in Northshield

Clan Blue Feather

Companions of the Stellar Hart (Northshield Courtesans)

Kingdom of Northshield Glass Workers

Northshield Arts and Sciences

Northshield Bards

Northshield Barter and Trade

Northshield Brewer’s Guild

Northshield College of Heralds

Northshield College of Scribes

Northshield Combat Archery/Siege

Northshield Cooks

Northshield Early Music

Northshield Equestrians

Northshield Farming Guild

Northshield Hand of Tyr

Northshield History

Northshield “I Am No Bro” Interdisciplinary Fighter Squadron

The Northshield Inn

Northshield Moneyer’s Guild

Northshield Rebated Steel Group

Northshield Youth Boffer Combat

Unofficial Northshield Forester’s Guild

Greater SCA
Lists of Events and Classes–General
SCA Classes On YouTube     (List maintained by Countess Jehanette) 

Events and Classes–Ongoing

ARTemisia Virtual University

Virtual Bardic Circles

Dahrien’s List of Online Bardic Circles

East Kingdom/Midrealm Bardic Showcase, a [post] Pennsic tradition, 2020 Ed.
On YouTube

Known World Chatelaine Symposium 2023—YouTube Playlist of 27 videos

Known World Colour

Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium

Meridies Open Social Zoom, Tuesdays, 5pm-Midnight, Central Time—Link to Schedule

Pennsic 50 House Sans Nomen Concert

*Royal University of the Midrealm (RUM) On YouTube

SCA Board of Directors Quarterly Meetings on YouTube

SCA Concert Index

SCA Iberia Webpage and YouTube Channel

*SCA Online Virtual Bardic Night

*SCA Virtual Classroom and Artisan Display

Silent Herald / ASL Practice 8pm (Central) Every Thurs. via Zoom.
Send a Facebook message to Suzanne Booth for link.

Sunday Night With The Scribes
(more info. on individual sessions under Individual Events–One Time below)
Sunday Night with the Scribes is an evening spent in the company of other Scribal Arts folks from around the Known World. Whether you’re here to learn a skill, share your success or simply hang out with your Art friends, there is room at the table for you. Come for the Community, Stay for the Art!

Extended calendar, class times for multiple time zones, event descriptions, and zoom links are at the link above. Zoom opens at 6p Central and the classes start at 7p Central. It’s also a great place to share your work and group think solutions and ideas.

*Viking Klan Zebitz’s Facebook Page
They do Viking era recreations. Of particular interest are their Winter Viking Experiments which they have been carrying out for several years.  Search “Winter Viking Experiments” on their Facebook page for photos, videos, and comments.

Virtual Known World Arts and Sciences Display from 2021—A Pennsic Activity

Virtual Pennsic University courses are available on their YouTube channel.

Weekly Fiber Room in Meridies Open Social Zoom on Tuesdays—8pm to ?
Watch the Facebook Group “Artisans of Meridies” for the weekly codes to this Zoom. The password is the name of Meridies’ current Queen. Next password change will be April 2025.

Every First Tuesday: Lace Enthusiasts: Geek about all forms of lace.

Every Second Tuesday: Warped Weavers: For enthusiasts of all forms of weaving.

Every Third Tuesday: Fiber Arts Enthusiasts

Every Fourth Tuesday: Spinning and Dyeing Enthusiasts Hangout

They cover even vaguely related fiber subjects, so go on by and talk about your favorite fiber art! It doesn’t matter what night you come they’ll talk about it.

West Kingdom’s Past and Future Newcomer 101 Classes
Go to Click on Calendars.  Then click on Activities. Scroll through for the various Newcomer 101 classes. Click on them to get information and meeting links and the programs web link. You can even add to your own electronic calendar. Visit/Subscribe to the West Kingdom YouTube Channel to see the taped versions when they are posted after the fact. The Newcomer 101 Classes have been gathered together in their own YouTube playlist.

Events and Classes—One Time

Through the Looking Glass: A Virtual Costuming Competition—Entries Due by February 22, 2025
The Aethelmearc Clothiers Guild is hosting a virtual costuming competition, “Through the Looking Glass”. Entries will be judged online, and participants are invited to join us for an in-person display at a TBD future Aethelmearc event. We encourage participants of all skill levels! Out of Kingdom entries are welcome.

The Challenge: Choose any piece of artwork featuring an outfit, then recreate that ensemble (clothing, jewelry, accessories) as faithfully as possible using that piece of art as your primary source of inspiration.

For more information about competition rules and instructions please visit!

Gourds: The Swiss Army Knife of History, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025, 7pm CST,
Úna inghean Tamhais
Join this Zoom class and learn about the historical uses of gourds. You might not know that gourds were used by cultures all over the world. They were the first domesticated plant and the precursor to pottery. They were used for storage, musical instruments, decoration, and much more. They even played important roles in mythology and religion.

If you are interested, the class starts at 8pm EST or 7pm CST on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025. The Zoom link will be in the comments of this original post in The Artisans of Meridies Facebook Group. They are usually posted around 3pm Central the evening of the class.

Plant Two On–Saturday, March 8, 2025, 1-6pm Central European Time (6-11am Central Standard Time) via Zoom
This event is sponsored by the Drachenwald Herbalists Guild and has no entry fee. Please sign up here to receive the Zoom link.
Below is the list of classes.

1-2pm CET (6-7am CST) “Making St Bridget’s crosses from luachra (Irish rushes)”, like my granny taught me. Taught by: Lady Gytha Ui Bhanain

2-3pm CET (7-8am CST) “Peas and carrots: a 13th century Norman Garden in Ireland”: Golden Egg project. Taught by: Viscountess Susanna of York

3-4pm CET (8-9am CST) “Beekeeping in the Middle Ages”.
Taught by: Lord Drago of Vilnyj Step

4-5pm CET (9-10am CST) “Brewing with Grain”: Iron age brewing.
Taught by: Lady Anauved de Mona

5-6pm CET (10-11am CST) “One Cup to Rule them all”: Tea culture in medieval China. Taught by: Lady Wol Bi

Renaissance Perfumes, a Practical Approach with Teacher, Dúgū Jìnán, Sun., Mar. 8, 2025, Noon
Learn how to recreate historical fragrances by making your kitchen into a stillroom.

This class will cover an introduction to perfumery in Renaissance Europe with best ways to start own journey into the art of compounding historical fragrances. Reputable sources will be discussed of aromatics, cheapest way to start your own still room and safety precautions.
Link to class notes:…/starting-your-own-journey…/
The Zoom link will be provided closer to the class.

Sunday Night with the Scribes
Zoom opens at 6pm Central; Classes run from 7-9pm Central; Zoom Closes at 10pm Central.

– The Zoom address for the sessions is
Please note: a Hastings Lock is used for the password for the Zoom Room.
Message them at the Facebook link below if you need the Lock.

– FB Page (Zoom links can be found here):

– Webpage:
Includes Google Calendars for many time zones. Zoom links are in each calendar entry.

Sunday, Feb. 23–Wordsmithing 101 with Aislinn Chiabach
“On the composing of Kingdom Award documents, colloquially known as scrolls.” Wordsmithing of a scroll is a practical application of poetry and prose of the pre-17th century culture we emulate in the SCA. This will be an in depth look into Wordsmithing which is an integral part of the collaborative art of the scroll which includes Calligraphy, Illumination, Wordsmithing and the Presentation. We’ll discuss the required information: The Royals; the Kingdom; the Recipient’s name; the Award name; Event Information; and Specific Information About the Recipient (if there is space). This class will look at the different kinds of awards and finally a more in depth discussion on the most commonly used form.

Sunday, March 2–Wordsmithing 102 with Aislinn Chiabach
As discussed in Wordsmithing 101: Composing award documents, colloquially known as scrolls, generally emulate legal texts and documents from pre-17th culture we emulate in the SCA.

Wordsmithing 102 will explore how, as seen in the variety of different kinds of calligraphy and illumination there    are as many different ways to express that through the words.

The goal with this class is not to write in the languages of the past, but to take their shape and sound and put it into English.

We’ll discuss Alliteration, Kennings and Rhyme with several examples as well as some other forms like Acrostic, Filk and Punny poetic forms.

Sunday, March 9–Newbie Know How – Making your nibs work for you! Honing and refining with Hellen of Haldane
Bring some dip nibs and a 4-sided nail file and buffer to the class along with a magnifier of some kind.

Sunday, March 16–Hatching – the essential skill for art with Margarette la Gantière
Hatching–the ability to add definition and depth to your art using lines and small strokes–will be presented.  An essential skill for all scribes.

Sunday, March 23–Scribal 101 with Mistress Alikina filia Elpin
There is no end to the goals and aspirations of people wanting to learn about the wonderful scribal arts but where to start?  Mistress Alikina filia Elpin will share her insights and suggestions for starting on the exciting journey!

Sunday, March 30–Open Scribal
It is the last Sunday of the month so come and work along other scribes, ask questions, bring ideas, show off your work and art!

SCA Individuals
(The Wrong) and Honorable Master Dahrien Cordell’s Online Bardic Circle via Zoom
*Meeting ID: * 850-6206-6750               Passcode: 1 (yes, just that single digit)
Join in browser or installed Zoom app/program:
Join by Skype for Business:
The next bardic circle will be Mon., 2/24/25,16starting at Noon, Central Time (official start)
[Sometimes he opens things early, though.]
End: When his last bardic playmates leave him.

Website of Dúgū Jìnán (Kasia Gromek)

Duke Tom’s Fighting Videos     Including fighting in the snow in January 2023.

Magistrissa Anna Dokeianina Syrakousina/Angela Costello-Perrone Moves Into The Digital World




Generally, the Nib is published weekly on Fridays, after 8 or 9 pm. Word is the preferred format for text. Other formats may also be acceptable. Please ask first.

If you have any questions about anything in this newsletter, please feel free to contact the Chronicler at: 651-699-0714 (before 10 pm) or at

This is the February 22, 2025 online issue of The Nib, (formerly This Week in the SCA in the Twin Cities), a publication of the Barony of Nordskogen of the Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc. This issue is available from Susan Henry, 258 Griggs St. S, Saint Paul, MN 55105 and It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies.

Copyright © 2025 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

For information on reprinting photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributor.