Armored Combat

Photo by Melissa von Atzinger (Marissa Williams).

Chivalric combat as practiced in the high Middle Ages draws people sixteen and older. Using real armor and weapons made from rattan, armored combat is a martial art, not a stage show. Participants are taught safe techniques, and how call blows on an honor system. New participants can work with our Knights Marshal to borrow gear, but must bring appropriate groin protection of their own. Sixteen and seventeen year olds must have a legal guardian present at all times. All genders welcome in our modern Middle Ages!


Armored Combat Practice

Armored combat practice is held on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at Brackett Park, 2728 39th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN, 55406. We have access to the building so we can move indoors if the weather is bad or the light fades. If you have any questions, you can contact the Nordskogen Knight’s Marshal, Lord Fergus O’Dae (Theodore Ivan), at: