Award Recommendations for the March Moot

22 Feb

A message from Their Excellencies Nordskogen:


We would very much appreciate your input for Baronial Award Recommendations for our upcoming March Moot. With Twelfth Night fresh in our minds, you likely remember individuals who contributed to the event and should be recognized for that effort. But please don’t limit your thoughts to just that event; we are sure that you have noticed other contributions which should be recognized by us.

Our scribes would appreciate your prompt recommendations (by Feb 24th) so that they can perform the magic that they do in terms of scrolls for well deserving individuals. Given this very short window, we may be presenting awards without scrolls so as to not overly tax our hardworking scribes.

To assist with your recommendation thoughts, you can use the website to make the effort easier.

Thank you for helping us reward individuals for their hard work!!

—Baron Geoffrey & Sitt al-Thullaja


Cecily of York

Cecily of York has served as Baronial Webminister since July of 2017.